1. Something to bear around fifty per cent of clues ??r?s? 2. Retailer took two ducks out of oven door ???d?? 3. Control makes guy Grow old ?a???e Cheers
1. In speech am using Leigh in a funny sort of way ?m?????l2. Diocese meeting inside embassy. No deal S?n?? 3. Joins closely kicks up a stink. K?I?? Cheers
1. Air current cut, sheep makes landing at airport perilous 4,5 W?n?s?e?r 2. Things that are allowed at parties D?s 3. And in French Included 501 for rewrite E?I? 4. He abandons hopes of military... ...
2 Go into droppings to discover grass eater 2 d?ging 3 Invitation to share in credit or archery 4,1,3 T??e?b?? 4 one dossier showing how to proceed along a narrow path. ?I???e... ...
1. Dales frying chopped okra 4'1,6 L???s?I?g?? 2. Theory of the beginning of the universe or the end of the balloon D??a??o 3. The French are palest when pats not around L?s 4. Go into droppings to... ...