My boyfriend has just broke up with me, and I am pretty devastated about it. He said he doesnt feel the same way anymore and he has stopped loving me! Being a typical female i dont really understand...
I met this guy who is a friend of a friend. Anyway I ended up getting his number, but I decided to wait to txt him. I then found out from my friend that he had asked about me and said I hadnt txt him...
I use to go out with this guy for 3 yrs, we had our fair share of problems. But we were both totally in love. He use to come out with things like, "im just thinking about how im going to ask...
I have dark rings around my eyes and was hoping someone could tell me of a product to use that might clear it up, if there even is such a product, my problem is I tend to stay awake for long periods...
Not sure if this is the right place to put this question - but can some of you out there tell me which you think is the best fake tan available? I've not really used it before - i normally use...
I asked out a girl who I know through work. We went out for a friendly drink a couple of weeks back. I e-mailed her the day after to say I had a great time, she made me laugh etc- nothing more. I...
I'm 24 (nearly) and although it sounds really sad i don't really have any friends! A few work colleagues that i get on with but they have kids and families etc to take up all their spare time. I am...