sitting through this on BBC 1 - the man must be exhausted - and must say he has presented himself very well. The Murdoch empire, especially this chap Michel seem to have exerted any pressure possibe...
All answers are occupations: 46. A brier or a bramble (begins with L) 84. The first word of a party game (A). 86. Push errand bike up hill (S). 98. A means of communicating information or opinions,...
decanting petrol woth an open jug in a kitchen with the gas cooker on! That's got to be one for the Darwin awards....
Fuel sales up 170% just before the end of the tax year - massive boost in fuel levy and vat receipts Incremental sales as fuel now sits in storage in little-used cars and cans Public awareness of how...
Trying to find the title of a play that was broadcast on RTE in the 1990's. It was about an old couple living on a island off Connemara, getting a present of a pressure cooker. (It was delivered by...
Will there be a minimum spec for smartphones to run the Ice Cream Sandwich OS (Android 4.0)?? I have a reasonable spec phone - A Samsung Galaxy W - which although not dual core is pretty nifty...
Bit sketchy this. Song is from around 2007 - 2009 and was a chart hit. The group has only had this hit to date. They come from America. The lead singer is bald/shaved head. Song is Rock/Pop not...
Bob Diamond (Barclays Head Honcho) famously said, the time for apologising about the banking crisis is over. Excuse me i don't remember any banker apologising for anything. This man has taken a 10m...
This is one for old TV techies.... I have some recordings of programs of an old German POP program from the 60's and 70's called Beat Club. I have notice that the older recordings from the 60's and in...
Hi all. We are doing a fund raising event in September and would ask any of you for suggestions on what stalls we could do? It is a Custom Car event and unfortunately we have lost a few stall holders...
My daughter logged out of her bbm and now it seems to have dissapeared completly. If anyone can tell me how to get it back I would be eternally grateful-I think her world is close to ending!!!!!!!
My own hard working children could never afford the lifestyle of the travellers depicted in the programme, yet it is politically incorrect to assume the beneficiaries of the travelling lifestyle are...
I have a mini laptop, with only an 8GB hard drive.... but i have a 32GB SD card inserted.... would it help speed up the machine and make it run better if i moved all program files and set up files...