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If you are famous. I'm no fan of Philip Schofield but I really don't think his brother's court case would have attracted so much press attention if he didn't have a famous brother. I would not be...
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Don't know if anyone has any ideas on this. It's a few years old but has never been any trouble. Still works fine on microwave mode but on fan oven it bangs very loudly every few seconds. The sound...
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This is proving divisive on the 'socials' as Daisy would say, not just between the sexes (genders?) but between the generations, too. Women of all ages are more likely to agree that Amy was raped; the...
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This is to hopefully satisfy my curiosity. I knew a man for many years, we would chat when we met in the street. Sometimes he was very, very red in the face and he would tell me he 'had a condition'...
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My neighbour's very old traditional boiler has just been condemned and she has asked my advice about buying the 'best possible' combi-boiler. That is what she wants, no room for manoeuvre. She has a...
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I truly thought there were more. Are you surprised at the number?...
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Hello ABEd, as our beloved Mods don't get to see our reports would it be feasible to have a category where messages can be left for them without clogging up CB or other categories? I am not the only...
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This is not my bill but we are confused about it. I have been on hold with Ovo and given up for now so hope someone here can help. It seems that the £66 government help is taken off the bill and so...
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barry1010 This is a very disappointing decision in my view...
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Was it July 2022? I seem to have lost my memory or my ability to think today
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I'm going to die soon because I can't do these manoeuvres, apparently, but I nearly died trying...
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If you are please log in and check out 'energy insights' and click 'energy use' and 'cost'/ According to this most of my electricity is used for lighting. I find this impossible to believe, my hot...
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barry1010 It's a start, it's sensible and about time...
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I have mentioned before my dependence on gravy granules due to my ineptitude. I saw some very, very cheap own brand granules, 30p, and decided to give them a whirl. The granules themselves don't look...
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Any ideas how I can view a 2020 version of this website?
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I've been hearing and reading a lot of comments lately that state it is not illegal for anyone to get in to Britain by road, boat or air. Immigrants are only 'illegal' when they claim asylum, are...
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Yes, I know a five year old can do these very simple sums but I don't have one to hand. Can you confirm my calculations are correct? I used 1.34KW of electricity at 32.11p per KW. I believe that has...
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My house is over 60 years old, when my mother died the house she had lived in most of her life was over 100 years old. The roofs had never been cleaned. Now I see adverts for roof cleaning. When did...

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