Went out last night and unfortunately some shoes I hadn't worn in ages led to very blistered feet (tops of toes on left foot and back of heel / ankle on right foot). I cannot even get my slippers... ...
I just don't get people wanting like a million or more for things happening to them. How can you spend millions in your lifetime. I am happy with what I have per month. It helps me to get... ...
How old is your vacuum cleaner ? My daughter asked to borrow ours because her's has broken down It got me thinking that we bought ours (a Vorwerk - cleaner and vacuum combination) ,about 30 years ... ...
I can't determine should I have the influenza vaccine today or not. As in past injections I sometimes feel poorly. Ironically with flu like symptoms. Options please.
Good Morning, Everyone! Wordle 1,246 3/6 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 3 was the best yesterday. Well done Haras2 and also to the others who solved in 3, Hazlinny, Barry, FoxLee2, MargoTester, perseverer and Arky!
Hi My PC is a Lenovo all in one running W10. When trying to order our weekly shop on line from Tesco it seems to freeze at least twice during the procedure, making ordering virtually impossible. I... ...
Big fan of Peter James, I've read all of his Grace books and thoroughly enjoyed every one. I can't believe this book was written by the same author. I perservered and finished it but was tempted... ...
Or not so early, as was pointed out yesterday LOL! Dark and grey here - and according to the weather on tv late lastnight it's going to really drop in temperature in nxt week. In other words it's... ...
The Ayatollahs in Iran are to introduce clinics to 'treat' women who refuse to wear the human. The Soviets used the same tactic to try and deal with their dissidents. It didn't work for them and... ...
Good Morning Everyone! Wordle 1,245 4/6 ⬜⬜🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Congratulations to calmck (but calmck did you have "uvula" yesterday or a different word?). Also congratulations to ludocruz, FoxLee2, and... ...
I've received an email supposedly from the NHS saying that since I haven't used my NHS log-in account for two years they're going to cancel it in 30 days. I actually used it earlier this year. My... ...