Can anyone help, please:- (All answers are horse related - not necessarily equine) Quarry around wee Alfred for a high class stead. 7 Most accomplished horseman. 7 North Eastern laurel. 9, 3 Unwelcome...
All answers are horse related (not necessarily equine) Please help:- A pony I wouldn't lend for any lady's hire (6,4) Point to a coloured pony(5) An at least 8 seater Devonian (4,4) Marine father who...
Haven't been able to access yesterday's competition at all. Instead am being shown the one from last week. Do I now have to pay to enter the competition or are there are any other gremlins at work. If...
Is anybody else having trouble accessing the site today? It's currently coming up with Firefox cannot establish a connection at competitions.thetimes. Has ST started charging to enter the...
8a - bass with tricky bar rejects conductor - 8 letters, 3rd letter is A
21d - men securing currently broadcast musical - 6 letters, 1st letter is O
Any help appreciated
Is the 6th station Kings Cross? I think the fifth station is Edgware but that doesn't work out. Also, no idea which is the odd one out. Any help most welcome.
Just seen my query. Answer Bank obviously doesn't like quotation marks so am sending the query again. 6d. Showing great effort - 8 letters - possibly ending in s.