my daughter had been suffering with three collapsed lungs over the past two years I know dear sqad has been active on here but thought he may just read the messages so I am giving an update. my...
Heard song on radio an hour or so ago, and I remember thinking to myself, as I always do.."it's that bloody miserable Adele again, why do all her songs sound the same?". Then when it finished, he said...
Saturday. Wall to wall cloud again this morning. Only just beginning to get light. Quite chilly out too. A visit to Wotton-under-edge today, didn't get there yesterday. didn't see tiggy, but his...
I have been troubled with my finger nails splitting. I find myself having to file them almost daily, resulting in them exposing the end of the nail bed. I often wake up -- after filing them the...
completely blank! Everything is gone, photos, friends, messages :( I was using it earlier with no problems, then I accidentally keyed the top right hand corner X, without closing sites individually...
Following on from dusty's thread, is anyone else having trouble opening up AB? I keep popping back & forth, but it's taking so long to load up, it'll be time for breakfast soon!
ive heard that a local mosque has closed due to someone throwing a pigs head into it, surely this cannot be true,would muslims go to such lengths and take such offence at that,why not justa wash the...