I am struggling on a few of these.Any hints or help would be appreciated. Each answer contains a number. 10.Each fruit contains a princess. (3 in answer) 17.Tex is sheriff (4 in answer) 30.canadian...
Q7 In Clint Eastwood's The Changeling,Angelina Jolie puts two dollars on which movie to take home that year's Best Picture Oscar? I have all the other answers!
Numbers: 1. 12 D O A D S D 2. 12 E I A D British Cities and towns: 1. Did he gain battles in vain? Art: 1. What is the term for underpainting showing thru a picture? Pop: 1. How many weeks did Teresa...
38d Formally ending (a practice) 10 -b-l-s---- 24d A product expected to last a lond time 8,7 consumer--r---- 56aColouring substance 7 p------ 46d Rejected 7 --t---- 33d support for burning light 6,6...
(6a) Personal assistant trying to get out on the town these nights. ( 8) _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ . (8d) EVEN SOFT (how things take a change) (4,2,6) _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ .
2)Find in pub, room in prison, change vowel in 1 8)Henrys car in the drink (ford?) 13)Good mate and short for mother 16)Animals on farm & sounds like where you live 19)____, Paul & Marys grass or...