Want to get the children to cut out letters in their Christian name, using pictorial letters. Don't know the correct name, but each lower case letter has been made into a picture of an object or...
Any tips for treating badly bruised legs, with the skin ripped off? The doctor has attended to the patient and dressed the wounds, which are clean. The patient puts his legs up and takes pain killers...
My brother had a car accident and received bruises, minor cuts and took strips of skin off his legs. Is there any type of food that will help the healing process? I want to make some nice meals and...
Want to make a small unusual birthday cake. The decoration of it is not important, as I can manage that myself. I have tried coffee & walnut, chocolate truffle, chocolate orange, Victoria Sandwich,...
When I download videos to watch they are green and blue and I can hardly see them. I have obviously got the wrong setting. What should I have to be able to see them and how do I do this, please?
I need software to help me make my family tree. I am not particularly competent on the computer, which is XP. Does anyone have any recommendations of which one to get, please? I want to map out the...
What is the best anti-spy/spam etc security CD disc that I can buy for my computer. I want everything covered except for child protection, as this is not relevant to my situation. I have got Norton...
Can not type in my password on Tiscali. There seem to be two pages superimposed on each other, when I begin the computer. Can access the e-mail using Outlook Express. What is happening? Have tried...
My Aunt has just come out of hospital. I usually send flowers, plants, cakes. drink or sweets/choc by post. She lives on her own and is a vegetarian (if that is relevant) She doesn't like handicrafts...
Like both these programmes. Someone told me that the Americans were making a new pilot version of Bewitched to see how it goes down, but I don't know when we will be able to view it on terrestrial...
Is there any way of avoiding logging in each time I want to use e-mail (Tiscali) on my home computer. There is no chance of anyone else using my computer, so that is not a problem.
Would like a clear close- up aerial photo of my last house. I've tried Google Earth, but the close up picture is blurred. Is there a free service available please? I live in the South East of England.
Need a cream that makes my face look luminescent and pearly. I've got a dry skin, although I could use this cream after putting on a rich moisturiser. I believe that L'Oreal have a new cream, but it...
I love the smell of pure lemons and limes - nothing else. Any ideas of a perfume/eau de toilette that might suit me, please? I don't want the perfume to have background smells of incense, floral notes...
I have got a pain in my right arm, in the shoulder blade and it feels like inside the muscle. I do not remember damaging it at all. I find it hard to sleep. I can only lift it up very slightly. What...
I would like to know more about the exact details of any house exchange, in a brief format. What percentage of the house price is forfeited, for example, if the buyers do not go forward to completion?...
How can I find out more about a solicitor in the UK, using the internet? I am interested to know his training, age etc. Also, what criteria is used to turn a solicitor into a partner?
Where can I get Mara des bois strawberry plants by mail order, in the UK please? I have heard that they taste delicious, but I don't know anything about them.