Please tell me..... do I really have to stone all these plums before I make chutney and jam, or is there a short cut. Your advice would be more than welcome......thanks!
I posted this a few months back and people seemed to enjoy it so thought we could give it a new run. It's a 20 question test which at the end gives you your mental age. I just did it again and got 37,...
just going back to quassias chuckle thread, where i mentioned how i remember looking through the noisy, crinkly pink brown, empty inlay of a chocolate box, at programmes on our black and white telly,...
My friend has applied to live in Canada. I wondered how easy or hard it is to be accepted and how long it is likely to take before they hear either way? Has anyone else tried to do this? Thanks
Scenario - I am driving along a quiet backstreet when a couple park further down the street and four dogs bound out of their car. One runs into the road causing me to brake. It then has a leisurely...
Back now but still in a bit of a state. I know it's silly and unreasonable but I can't help it. Mum died early hours of Thursday morning and have spent most of the day trying to make all necessary...
A lot of these dead legs moan they have no work, prospects! a while ago Japan suffered the disaster & a lot lost their life's / homes, they are asking for volunteers to help with the clean up,...
I am in absolute despair - our council have come round this morning and fiddled with the street lights in every street on our estate and slapped a notice on saying they are now on "part...
questions posted in an innappropriate topic, or better still, questions so vague you have to think about what they are asking. Some people must think others are mind readers.
what have you got on your feet right now? turn your head to the right, what can you see? did you have a shower this morning? all very exciting questions to get your brain cells working. moi? - nothing...
My g'kids 6, 8 & 10 have had lessons as toddlers in local pool but can only doggie paddle with youngest needing rubber ring - am not impressed ! How important is it for your children to be able to...
Firstly, & most importantly, thank you all for your concern & interest in my granddaughter - Scarlett & mum are now out of hospital. Baby is breathing normally. Mum had 3 blood...
(A) A filling (B) A root canal (Back tooth) (C) An extraction (back tooth) Many thanks for taking the time to complete this survey. My dental plans in the very near future depend on your input ;-)...
for 7AM to get hubby to hospital for his small, insignificant operation. Having thanked the Nursing Staff last week for their wonderful consideration and the nice lady at the taxi office, (Is a...
Her words follow...................... Her breathing is back to normal, sore head now ok & she was discharged from special care on saturday. Mum had to have 2 blood transfusions & she became...
With no come back, who would be. For me it would be Dame Ann Elizabeth Mary Leslie. Daily Mail columnist. Regular newspaper reviewer on Sky news. The woman is a ??????
Especially logged in to see if anyone has heard anything from Salla about Scarlet.
Have done a search to see if she has posted, but perhaps a facebook friend knows something?
I'm feeling very sad today. Yesterday I had to have Sally my Border Collie put to sleep. She was 13 and a half and hadn't been well for some time but it was still a shock. She collapsed in the night...
Havin a whisky and ginger after weeks of soberishness. My son just told me off or chuntering while Torchwood is on.My light up tweezers have hit the road. I wont be able to see my whiskers now, it...