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Thursday. Lots of belligerent looking cloud about this morning, but yer wee man on the idiot box says it won't rain. I hope not, I've got a charter today, so must be away early. I think I'll take my...
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Morning one and all xx
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Good morning everyone - very very wet here, dogs coming in with 'wellies' up to their armpits .... I'm bunkering down in front of the fire with a good book [ finished the crossword in record time this...
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Thursday. Rain all night, but it's stopped now. Should be a nice day. I'll tackle some weeds if it stays nice. Tiggy didn't go far because of the rain. Can't blame him. Have a happy day everyone....
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Good morning. Monday again. We just had one !! Cold here. Windy, wet and horrible. Don't you just love summer?...
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Good morning everyone - bit of a bumpy start there with the links but great minds and all that, but we're back on track now ... very tricky when some of the letters go missing ... not a lot of help,...
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Thursday. A clear sky this morning, a nice change! I might get some weeds oiked out, no doubt with some help from Snowy! Tiggy is fine, he was out and about most of the night, having a rootle about...
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Good morning everyone - still a bit nippy here but at least we've not had snow .... seems like some of the native Queenslanders have been very excited with all the white stuff around !! Not the...
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Morning all xx
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Clear blue sky from corner to corner this morning, reminds me of summers past. Anyway, the garden sheds are getting new roof and felt treatment today, then some light gardening. Hope it stays nice for...
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Good morning everyone - well and truly Winter this weekend, good for staying indoors with large crosswords and not much else !! As for the links - certainly something to get us thinking SUMMER MINT...
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Thursday. We didn't get the heavy rain we were promised yesterday, just a couple of showers, of course I got caught in the worst one. It's looking somewhat better today. Not a hint of wind and it's a...
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Morning all xx How are you all?
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Sunday. A bit cool at the moment, but it's going to be a warm one again. That's fine by me, I'm on the canal in the Visitor Centre today. Always a pleasure. Tiggy was out most of the night, I can keep...
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Good morning everyone - very nippy round the toes today, hopefully some sunshine later but I don't hold out much hope ... well at least the shortest day has passed ... roll on Summer .... NOT !! A bit...
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hello all. hope that boaty does not mind my giving an early start but I am off soon. I am very sorry that I will miss the Adventures of Tiggy as told by Cap'n but that's the way life goes. byee. hope...
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Tuesday. the sun is rising into a cloudless sky. Summer is here at last! Not before time. Tiggy seems to be enjoying the warm nights. He was exploring every inch of the garden last night, so I don't...
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Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here, but boy, was it chilly earlier on...joys of winter etc. At least one can get outside when it's like this and my bulbs will soon be flowering ...goody !!...
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Wednesday. Light cloud this morning. We'll see some sunshine with a bit of luck. got a bit done in the garden yesterday, some more today. Tiggy was out a lot longer last night, must be warmer. He was...
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Good morning everyone - an early start, I'm planning on making use of the promised sunshine later today for a few outdoor chores's been cold enough overnight to guarantee a sunny day but then...

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