31d software enabling video and voice calls over computes and tablet devices [5] ?k??? skart?
40a the first and largest stomach of a ruminant also called a rumen [6] ??u?c?...
17 across ... Paul Krugman and John Maynard Keynes for example .. E???O???T?
30 across ... UK government authority regulating telecommunications between 1984 - 2003 ...?F?E?
Many thanks...
22Dark glass formed by the rapid cooling of lava ??s???a?
28a historic canal n Lincoln leading to the River Trent ?o?s ???e
29a Strait in Turkey now known as the Dardanelles H???e???n?
it really is doing me in today. 16a Birthmarks or pigmented spots (n?e?i) 18a One of the greatest florantine painters (?o?m?c?l?i) 22d combining denoting from rotten (s?p?o) 27d a genus of the...
Now that you agree my 13d! has anyone got 6a plant with tall straight flowering stem -a-o-s-o-,or 36a a member of a tropical genus of gastropods T-t-o, 39a Relating to greek poet of around 600BC ?