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Why do the Carex creatures praise the man for remembering to wash his hands when he already wiped everything on his jumper, his face and through his hair?
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There was an all male pop group in the nineties who released a song called 'Crazy for you'. Who were they?
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Are the people who regularily contribute answers to the questions on this site genuinely highly intelligent or just a bunch of work shy, cut and paste happy wasters?
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Do Christians have a better life than non-believers in God? Is there any evidence (reward) to prove there is a better life in following religion?
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Just out of morbid curiosity, is there any way to sharpen your incisors [fangs]??
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I turned on to David Letterman's Late Show the other day (Wednesday around 18:00) on ITV2 and there was a band playing on a roof in New York. The song had the lines 'I ain't no Superman, I ain't got...
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purple monk
Who are the most depressing bands?
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Why say 'butter wouldn't melt in her mouth' when describing someone nice? Doesn't this imply coldness? Do people just use it wrongly?
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There's probably a simple answerbut im worried of using the wrong word in my coursework! Thanks xxx
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La La
What is the written on the data display on the till register at the opening credits of the Simpsons (flashes up when Maggie is till swiped!)?
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Chris Wood
in the music video for ''Novermber rain'' how does his newly wed die???
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What are some interesting things to talk about with people? (Please help) My friends always have neat interesting stories and mine are so lame....Does anyone have a cool story to share that I can use?
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Im in the market for a new mobile phone. What are the best ones around, function-wise and also nice to look at?
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does hypnotherapy work for weight loss?
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who is the lead in the matrix
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What are people from Malta called?
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How can u stop loving someone who u know likes u back but they are involved with someone else? Help!
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Whereabouts are you a 'doctor of chemistry and a lecturer at one of this planet's leading science colleges' ?
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I have a really bad fear of spiders is there anything I can do about this myself and what makes people create a fear?
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I natraly dream lucently, but if I don't control the dreams the randomly change, all that stuff about dreams meaning things, how can it be true if there are people like me who can dream lucently,...

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