Stuck on three!
1 down - Socialist city making stuff S _ _ _ E
8 across Small forms written on time S _ _ _ E _ T
26 across Book with an insect on top! _ L _ U _ E
I too have had some luck with a local quiz and won first prize of ?25.00, A.Bers must be on a roll. Certainly gives a boost to ones morale. Thank you all for help given.
why isn't the link working for donslots site (answers for tab, chat etc) ? i have been trying for about ? hour now & still can't get it up ! anyone help ?
Just a quick reminder to any Man City fans out there, you got dumped out the cup by the mighty Spirites who well deserved their win. The chants of "Premiership? Your'e avin' a laugh" were well...
Just got home form work and found an envelope with the answers for the Melksham Summer Quiz, and not only that, but there's a cheque inside too. Apparently I've won first prize. That's two wins in a...
15D the fruit of a cucurrbitaceous plant... am I correct with GOURD? 35A Vigorous campaigns in favour of a cause or causes C - U - - - - S. probably obvious, but not to me
can anyone who did the birthday quiz this week solve my problem. i'm sure the annswer must be tommy lee jones (e,y,n,m,e,e,m,j,o,s,g?,l,o. the g's from guy ritchie. please help me