I once read that there is a particular kind of bean that no matter how cooked, is quickly fatal to maltese people but the rest of the world has no problem but I can't remember what it was. Anyone...
Reall ystrugling with this one anagrams of things that should now of been planted in your garden 1) Peterseescutdoapioe(3 words) 2) Melseeksuslurghb(2 words) 3) Bellamidgieblurcaboe(3 words) 4)...
Can I , or to be more precise , my son ,transfer music from my computer to my mobile phone (motorola Vp3i) Have some wires etc.. and Motorola manual , but I think he just cant be ar**d to do it . A...
only have two left to do - help very much appreciated 25 across (4) musical composition numbered as one of a composer's works O??S 31Down (4) reinforced underground chamber used to house a missile...
please help, stuck on last two 1 down, cynical, cutting, irreverrent. 9 letters( - g - i - - - a -) 7 down progressive, sequential 13 letters(n - m - - - l - g - c - l) thanks ricky
I work in a restaurant and often have the pleasure of dealing with vegetarians and their culinary requirements. Some so called "vegetarians" feel it is okay to eat fish. Some also eat chicken too! How...