go ahead and do it p?o?e?? ladys admitted on rising of church council s?n???l NB the last letter of the first answer is the third last letter of the second answer
I have two left. 25A.. ground rent deposit ?A?A (4) 1D.. The point at which the tourists declared(7;7,) I think it is Customs...?A?S?E? Could this be Batsmen..has it something to do with cricket ?
25down is it millimestunisiancurrency unit worth thousandth of a dinar many thanks 26down stabelnegatively charged elementary particlethat exists in all atoms 8 letters
I was by the sea at the weekend and purchased a bucket of local raw oysters. After we wolfed down a few we realised there was a short thin worm at the bottom of the bucket which was very obviously...
sorry - I said 5,5 for the follwing clue when it should have been 10 OBN candidate gets to be repellant penetrating a dog (10) c_ _ _ s_ _ _ e_ also One who wipes tart (8) s_ _ _ _ _ e _ thanks
Collectors of or writers on plants, particularly early botanical authors? 10 letters _ _R_ _LOSTS A self operating machine, especially robots? 8 letters A_T_ _A_ _ Thanks in advance
Help Please 1d Ant chopping far lettuce 4-6 16d spring time? 4.4. ???p ?e?? 11a person running newspaper 7. (is this printer) 15a See gent look down disturbed as far as first person is aware 2. 3. 9....