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26 Across Disinclination to Act --E---A 13 Down Devoted to Pleasure -E-O---T-C 23 Down Ancient Syrian City A---O-H
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British Detective Series.
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I am very popular - agreed ? I post stuff with key phrases like 'Following on from Potter Minor's completely absorbing question' and I crawl and call everybody my bestest favest ABer. So why do I get...
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30a) Animated character stifled one scream (6) S?R?E? 31a) Mark controversial article about feet (8) ???R???L need a couple of other's , but these should help to get them .
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greta garbo
can anyone please confirm two words in yesterdays crossword. 6 down cocky 17 down lien just couldnt see why but guessed. many thanks in advance
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Nacnud Wod
Can anyone please confirm that 16across is Nor Thanks
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last 2. 8d russian composer and31dfranciscan friar,going to kick myself I know.thanks in anticipation
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1588 the d of the s a stephen has hue,anagram of a childrens tv programme
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vale of.... a wooded valley in thessaly
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When was yours?
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They reckon Jesus suffered for our sins, but surely if he was suffering for everyones sins, including those not born yet he got off llightly with mere crucifixion
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19a credit given to american press ?r?s thanks in advance
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Hi, I'm stuck on a few - hope you can help. 35d City in north-west Portugal famous for its fortified wine (6) O _ O _ T _ 18d Town in Hampshire, a naval base since the 16th century (7) _ O _ _ _ R _...
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I was feeling a little chilly when the sun started to approach the west then I looked on a webcam in Germany. Look what's happening there TODAY!!!
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think I might have gone wrong somewhere,can only come up with high tension for 27a but thought 20d was shifty can you spell it with an i?. last one to get is 15a, a vending of articles from home [6,4]...
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Still a two horse race ...? Arsenal and Man United ..............with only Liverpool likely to get third , the rest nowhere ............or do you know something my bookie doesn't
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OK dont laugh,will i ever be able to break the 7 minute barrier for the mile? or as the years go by , is this not possible?
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And prancing about pretending to be Freddie Mercury. Anyway, that was not my main question, which is, if you had met Kirsty Gallagher in a curry house after a beer festival and been invited back to...
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who won the first FA cup final in cardiff in 2001?

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