My wife and I have a Sony Ericsson K510i phone. When in Denmark we are not able to phone the UK but we are able to text. We cannot receive calls from Danish numbers but can received texts. We are able...
5d. Side of a hill facing the flow of a glacier (5) 7d. A group of characters that can be treated as a unit by a computer program (6) 16a. Non-technical term for emotional or psychological problems....
What is the best way to use them? I have three 128MB cards which I use in sequence. These give me on average 100-110 images. My wife has just got a new camera with a 1GB card. I do not envisage her...
I am sure I saw a mention on a 'gadget page' somewhere of such a piece of kit. I asked in Currys and got a blank look from the assistant. Did I imagine it, or is there such a thing? I could be losing...
Stuck on 23a - hear man's address to unknown puzzle. and 38d - phone company's ring limits? I make 16a Rolf Harris, but cannot see why. Explanation welcomed!
Several timesI have tried to copy a recording from the box to a DVD but without success. I am following the instructions from the book. What am I doing wrong/not doing right? Many thanks
I have found a recipe which requires cooked chestnuts. I have only seen them roasted. How do you cook them prior to using them in a casserole type dish?
21a - fiddle section backing little boy without interruption. ?????n?a? 17d - strange thing, rum, it goes to your head. o?d???. TIA, they are bugging me now!