Morning all help needed please, Pale old females with extraordinary energy (3,5) I sit with Martin and Dave working in managerial role (14) Broadcast fails to impress conservative about tax (6) Thank...
Morning all help needed please with last few, attribute origin of icon to place in Middle East (6) I?p?t? Impute ? Idiotic and crazy to ignore society (5) I?a?e image ? Arachnids power picked up (4)...
Hello all, I'm just starting crossword help with a couple please to get me started :-) Barrier in the theatre spoils any cue at first (6,7). Stops to bury mushrooms around back of forest (10) Also is...
Hello again, stuck on last two. Help needed please. Woodcutter offered more so it's said (4) ?d?e Version of diatribe one book omitted (6) t?r?d? I have understandings for 6a is this correct ? Thought...
Good afternoon all, help needed please, friend managed to frame artists spectral part (8). Two pubs even parts of disco are primitive (8) ????a?i?. First pair in European capital escape fever (4)....
Hello all, help needed please, I'm a female in Paris banking money that's exempt (6) I???n?. Is the Isle of Wight a state (4) I???. Soppy mother lives in with King Henry (7) ????i?h. Element is...
Hello all, help needed please, part of NI ignores Yankee quiz on tv (9) c?u???o?? Laborious article supports poirot (9) ????e?e?? Mothers leaving dogs in rows (5) t???i The King lives in different...
Hello all, help needed please, card games very popular still (8) ?n?????t.
Concert over man swallows trendy drug (8) m?r???n?.
Summon young attendant (4) ??g?.
Thank you :-)...
Good afternoon all, help needed with last few please, suddenly attack some French submarines going west (6) a???s? Candidate orders one to defend pit (7) n?????e Tankard made from short green 15 (4,3)...
Hello all, help needed with last few please, power needed to carry on holding a series of races (7) w?t???? Butler ordered to accept one that's restored (7) r?b???? Highly recommend old road tax...
Hello all, need help with last 3 please, a student gatecrashes superb climax of concert (6) f?n?l? FINALE ? Large medal dangles from this perhaps (4) l?b? LOBE ? Take time off journey to find composer...
Good afternoon all, help needed with last few please, stand up to work then sit (6) o???s?. Show dishonesty parking about 10 at church (8) ??e?e?c?. Drivers organisation covers about an acre perhaps...
Afternoon all, I'm getting there slowly, help needed with last few please. Christmas verse missing from book (4) n??? Group of Ulster ilex unable to produce fruit (7) s?????e Involving science...
Morning all, help needed please, sign on staff, adjusting scales in Belgium and France (4,4) b??? ???l. Profits from English strip club in minutes (10) e???????t?. Fortifications modified into deep...
Good afternoon all, help needed, My lot ignore complex language for specialists (11) ??r???o?o??. That rider needs schooling, he's not very good (5-4) ??a?d ?a??. Stuff about Ulster university head...
Morning all, I'm struggling to get started, help please, Irish revolutionary in strangely accurate cartoon (10). Expert joins a group tackling hospital bonus scheme (6,7). Entertainer controversially...
Hello all, help needed please, interesting theory won't spread (10) ?o?????t?y These could make pigtails after one good cut (6) ???i?s Immaculate church teas prepared (6) ???s?e A crank hauled up fish...