3d win each service (4) earn?
12a left tree as dust barrier (4) less?
24d hoe Russian river is marked on map of the country? Rural?
Thanks for any help & advice...
Hello all struggling with last few, help needed please, 1d) meg dies with polio- it confused expert (14) epidemic?????? 22a) six tours arranged round Ohio for top player (8)?????o?o 26a) he hopes to...
Good afternoon all, help needed please, 1a) junior MPs sponsors tour Scottish mountain chain (12) ??c?????h???. 10d) Fancy Coe simply holding AGM in order to put these on! (7,5) ????p?c???e?. 25a)...
Hello all, help needed with last four please, 4d) security feature at front lacks page for PR material (3-2) t?e-?n. 11a) she's hardly even noticed at the start (3) h?n. 15d) cowboys accents beginning...
Good afternoon all, need help with 3 please :-) 7d) trunk, say , for chief touring the channel islands (9) ??????c?s 15d) Hawk's nearer target, circling about gulls head (9) w?r?????? 13a) Malicious...
Hello all, it's sunny & bright here but wind chill nasty :-( I need help with last two please, 3d) old island record isn't a typical artists medium (3,5) o??-?a?n?. 13d) busy neurosurgeon or not, he's...
Hello all, help needed with last one 31a) it may win point in court but loose one on course (4,4) ???pshot. Also need advise on 21d) consultant supplies answer and drives off (7) is it advisor or...
Hello all, help needed please with last two, 15a) excuse former politician and French guards (6) e???p?. 25d) an orchestra and quartet from choral society as well (4) ??s?. Thank you :-)
4d superficial account kept in document folder (6)
5d note describes a Parisian melody (4)
6d female secretaries admitting gold cross is a gaffe (4,3)
Thanks for any help...
1d small digger restricted in drier surroundings (6) 15d prepare to fight old fellows behind town centre? (6,3) 23a put gunman in gang to negotiate hard (5,5) 29a residents old hypocritical talk about...
Hello all, I'm stuck on last two so help needed please, 26a) odd bit of 17 stop working (3) d??. 25a) Top intelligence group names need to be encrypted (5) m?a?a. Is the answer to 28a) atelier ? Clue...
13a insect crossed river and developed (6) become?
25d win silver doing somersault at centre of ring (4) grin?
23d Greek character , very old turns up in cell (4) ovum?
Thanks for any help...
29a foolishly dan tried to tour city abroad without this (8,4) 19a new exotic tree outside university is unable to reproduce (6) 27a minister approaches great lake in a daydream (7) Thanks for any...
14d girls in form but not the leader (4) 11d American officers without strong desire (4) 26a he studied music , business and French (5) 17d type working in newspaper (4) 25a talented liberal appears...