For some reason last night i was thinking about bunkers..don't really know why but that led me to think do you need planning permission for something that is underground? as it isn't exactly blocking...
Does anyone have specific knowledge about this? I know that airlines claim that their liability is restricted to a specific amount. Does that mean that it is "illegal" for them to offer more, or is it...
Can anyone recommend any types of solid wood flooring. We have been looking at Kahrs but I believe that is engineered wood , what is the difference anyway?
I keep having problems with my comp, it runs so slow and internet explorer seems to always have 'experienced a problem' and is forced to close, also, programs tend to stop responding and I always have...
I bought an new, fully boxed C&W DECT answerphone on eBay in February which appears to be covered by a manufacturer's warranty for 1 year. Having spoken to them and exchanged emails we have been...
Would it be possible to create a small nimbus cloud if you had a group of people in a field all farting simultaneously ? how many people would be required and would it get into the Guinness book of...