Good afternoon! I am stuck on one today - any help appreciated.
27a - Dish described in 1660 as a fried item with onions, nutmeg and other flavourings (4,2,9) - I have ??G? I? M?O?S?I?E...
Good morning! I am stuck on one today - any help appreciated.
41a French word for a type of enclosed arena in which horses and riders are schooled (6) - I have ?A?E?E...
I am stuck on one today - any help appreciated.
31d Buddhist, Hindu and Jainist doctrine advocating non-violence and respect for all living things.
I have A?I?S?...
I think it is time to go to bed. I just wrote a question and found it on the animals site!! I am also an idiot. Been in the garden all day and only just finshed Herculis. Went to fetch my link words...
Stuck on two today - any help appreciated.
18a Street part, maybe see TV farmer on the radio - I have ?T??? M?D?N?L?
9d Skittle over an unfamiliar newsreader - I have ?A?E ?I???R?O?...
I am stuck on one today - any help appreciated.
26a European evergreen shrub with poisonous berries (6,6)
I have ?P?R?E ?A?U?L - is it something laurel?...
2 To do with help please.
17d Senior lecturer is book lover (6) R - A - E _
6d Don't pass lake in threshing device (5)
- L - I -.
I am stuck on just one today, and am unable to find a reference to it anywhere - any help appreciated.
28a Service in the Roman Catholic Church traditionally read or chanted at 3 p.m. - I have N?N?...
Good Morning! I am stuck on 2 today - any help appreciated. 7a Edible plant in the parsley family which grows on rocks and cliffs by the sea - I have ???P?I?E 1d Oily Middle Eastern paste made with...