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why is Andy Gray so obsessed with offsides? Everything to him is "touch and go" and as for that Smug p**c Martin Tyler...does anyone else get the impression that he thinks he is the be all and end all...
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Has anyone thought that the "island" in lost is just the coast line of a country? Maybe England?
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Does anyone else find it annoying how certain commentators kiss a**e with certain players just because they are big names? ITV are particularly bad at this.
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has that annoying kid on that crappy ad actually comitted suicide, the one where it goesw, there gonna taste great, and leave a message in the guestbook and tell me plz BEN...
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....the Chelski plane crashed whilst flying them back from one of Rusky's yachts......what new team should he buy from the World Cup so far.
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Am I the only one who hates those two goons advertising this p*ss water during the footy games? Not only are they not funny, but I think it's an insult to the USA team. After all, they were good...

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