Help please with these last two. 24ac Commercial process given assessment, say, when money comes in (9) I ahve ????e?i?g. 22dn- Brothers tucking into a woman's divine food(8) I have ???d?s?? Many...
Help please 3dn- Fears a bloodbath after revolution engulfs Middle Eastern city (5)-coulditbe Basra? 17dn-Smiley's people last chapter something not still around (8) Woman that's opening immoral...
Help with these 2 please 33dn - In period of economic difficulty, swallow milk (6,7) Could be "credit squeeze", if so,can someone explain the clue? 46dn- Wretched folk are turning up fully...
Help please 10 dn - Contract with leading lady provides solution for picture maker.(9) - could this be "developer"? 11dn EU ban in parts holding Fleet Street upa shade (5,6) . I have ?????...
Help please. 10 dn - New wait ,wanting second bottle. (5) I have n?r?e.
38 ac looks like "Gloomy "- Dark and dismal northern home one's left almost empty.(6)
Many thanks....
Help with the explanations please. 8dn - As fighter up in theatre of war until one penetrates objective(10) - this must be "militiaman". 11dn - Country singer of fame, one into drug...
Help with 2 clues please, 17 ac - Dean's girl raving about city in Louis XIV's time (5,6) Could be "Grand ?i???e. 11dn - I appeal over a chapter one in Genesis (5) Many thanks in advance. ps why...
Explanation please, - Corruptly lie say - but not like this as monarch (6). I think the answer is "easily" as an anagram of "lie say" but why?
Help appreciated.
43 ac Hand in valid reference (8) I have r?c?t?a?
21ac Halfwit politician breaking crackpot party' s back (6) This must be "numpty"?...
Explanations required please. 44dn - Chemical explosive that's brown stored in gym (7) - looks like should be Heptane but why? also 47 ac - Column of police holding a line a short time (8) could be...
Help please! 20ac- Good theologians fend these off (2,3,4,2,3,6). Looks like (in the ???? of the ??????,. 57ac - Material left byAdmiralty,primarily material for building a sub (11) I have P?p...
Help with 2 clues please. 25 dn - Second broadcast, for instance,going over the blues (7) I think it must be "sadness" but why? 27dn- Served up Greek wine but not in Eurpean festival(6) I...
Last 2 , help much appreciated
5 dn Producer of keys - in my case, possiblly gold (8) I have s?c?m?r?
9 dn Srtive to grab power and authority (6) . I have e?p?r?
Thanks in advance....