I am doing a quiz with no prize or finish date but one section is really puzzling me. There is a connection with the following answers any suggestions really welcome. 1.Andrew 2.Treasure Island 3.Tun...
40. Find seasonal discounts in here 4 47. High or long, put them on to keep warm 7 52. Conical rave meal. Nice!7.3-5,4 56. Check, extra terrestrial here!6 57. Loud!-lets down7 68. Indian food shop?6...
11. Profit in the pub 8 17. One of two mixed fruits, choose the yellow one 5 38. Eaters most standard lunch most standard lunch, a popular venue 3.9.11 44. Cause nice dreams on a hot sunny day 3-5,7...
32.A cocky fellow, not too well behaved 4 38.The beginning of end inside a small horse 5 41.Keep your nose and lid out of the lawn 10 46.A frozen picture? 4.5. 58. Sounds like the size of Dad's drink...
Alzheimer's Quiz 1. Change a part of the body. 7 8. Sounds like finished plus a letter. 6 70. Put your clothes on. 7 81. Bust of Jesus? 8 92. Ghost. 5 94. Silent place. 8 Thank you in anticipation....
Place names that contain highways or byways e.g heath, hill, garden, gate field, let, grove etc. 1. White bird in field put to grass in Good. 7 2. Cabbages in front of raised land in Warwick's. 9 3....
All answers related to weather 48 A cunning defence garment? 1 11 49 A moon - between half and full 7 62 The literal meaning of kamikaze 3.5 or 3.6 63 More commonly known as GMT 4.4 73. Times of...
1. Greasy spoon sunburn ! 6 2. The French man follows a coward 6 3. Amazing sights! 10 4. Football manager; good with his head? 5. Loves being on the water 6 6. Several types and also comfortable 7 7....
1 sounds uneven 4 2 add in to money from this clothing 4 3 sounds like this advice to remove a flat tyre 6 4 is this how a marine reptile caresses? 10 5 perhaps a draw in the archery competition 6 6...
I know it's not allowed to ask for help but question 66 useful to find your way round 1.1 is anyone else struggling with this or am I being thick. This is the last one I have got to get. Thanking you...