1. In favour of gesture in public (9) ?r?????o?, 2. Fool gentle candidate (9) ????e???. 3. Rule out the elite embracing main reforms (9)????I???e, 4. Involved compact deli (11) ???p?a?a???
Other words for the following please.. 1..sedative s?co?????, 2.contagion transmitting organism v??l?r, 3. sunless ocean zone ap?o?ic, 4. ancient settlement mound te?l, 5. curse ?lip?t, harlot ce?e?el...
1. Plans in detail for when poor Pam's not in (4.3) 2. Bell-ringer has no right to be out protesting (9) 3. Return to part n The Other Little Piggy (3)
1. Contemporary band? (4.5) p?e? group 2. Lead detected in sample A? shocking (5) ??I?h 3. Most winners are private (5) h???s 4. Draw att ention to new plot insight (9) s?o?l?n?t
1. Gradually abolish a hose? Put a twist in it (5.3) 2. Turned to flea recently (2.4) o? l??? 3. "Envoy thrown out!" says Meir (8) ?m?????? 4. protruding twig in big toe ailment (8.3) ???C?I?G ???...
1. Assigned post in broadcasting building. (7) ???t?o?, 2. Quietly delayed getting serving dish (5) ??et?, 3. Shiatsu service takes a very long time (7) ?a?s??? 4. Bitter, for example, about what...
1. Alienate new sergeant 8) ?s???a?e 2. Type of substitute on the breadline (4) p???, 3, At ten, Bud set off to see man making his initial public appearance (8) d?u?a?t?
1. Leek never lost end ! It goes back to a state of balance (4.4) e?e? ??e? 2. More slender. Why the best do this (6) ?I?o?y, 3. Was convinced Bee lived in chaos (8) ???I???d 4. Harrowing trial or...