can anyone give me a clue for this question please
1This place sounds as though it could be on mars .
I am not sure if it is a place or a person .
Thanks for any help...
Not asking for answers ,but just a general question to anyone doing this quiz 22 on a coin .the side that bears the head 73 we give thanks before a meal I have answers but can't see how no 22 relates...
Does anyone who is doing this quiz know if there is a mistake on questions 26and 44 ,I thought the answers began with A ,but quiz setter says all answers start with either B,C,D,R,S ,T.tHANKS
can anyone help me these numbers on this quiz
3,15,18,I have still got quite a few to do but I would like to finish this first page ,thanks for any help...
Not asking for an answer ,just wondering if anyone has got the answer for GOLDRRLANA ( ANAGRAM OF A PLACE NAME )I have been right through my atlas with no luck,so didn't know if the letters were...