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sorry i put this question under the wrong title before do you think no 14 could be to do with spending money.
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Long question - Which one word, spelt the same way, can be an old beverage consisting of wine, hot water, sugar, nutmeg and lemon juice; the name of a former supreme ruler of an african country; and...
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still struggling ,can anyone confirm that 2a is michael bolton if not any clues please thanks
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it is very quiet about this quiz at the moment does that mean that everybody has finished it ha ha .
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I'm stuck on this last one, if anybody can possibly help. 26. ERR ERR both words are situated to the right. Many Thanks.
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name of the hall where salvation army meetings are held, 2 a jungle vine? any help please ,thanks
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who traditionally works on grub street, who owns the london eye , what shape is a polka mark which 20th century P M had the shortest term in office thanks
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freebi 2
Which childrens T.V.Character has the catch-phrase "lets get mucky" ? Which character says " thats all folks " at the end of Loony Tunes cartoons ? thanks for your help freebi
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can anybody give me a clue for no 14 a b c d thanks
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Finally reached the last five clues and would appreciate some help to get this into the post! All answers are groups or solo artists. First of all, I'm wondering if No.4 No boys in this educational...
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Please may I have a clue to No.65. US rock singer who served 3 years in a reform school for armed robbery, worked in a factory and trained as a hairdresser before launching his musical career. Many...
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80) dilutes the innominate bone? (9.4.)
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in no 6 could the last one be a key ring not that it will be a lot of help.
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who died when I was 9, I don't recollect he ever smiled, cuddled me or had a sentence with me so I would like to meet him again now, many years later, and have a good old conversation with him, a...
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Can anyone tell me what the rest of the question is for number 50 of this quiz please ? Thank You
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granny grump
Stumped on the last 5 - any clues would be appreciated 14 S O T B (D M W) = FS (M is the place FS the singer) 30 T N C D - PL ( C is the place PL the singer) 43 T L O L F P = T B B (P is the place TBB...
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SE England - 7 letters Hirers and owners found in this resort
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in section2 any clues for nos 2, 3, 6, section 3 nos 5,7 and 10 thanks.
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how is the mathematical constant Pi written as a fraction,2 synonym of marsh epipactis,3 most heavily populated island in the world. thanks
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which two british prime ministers had the same nanny as children.thanks for any help.

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