yesterday i was out shopping and a really cute little girl, thoroughly enjoying an ice cream, walked past me, i smiled cos she had it all over her face and she looked up at me and beamed at me, her...
Since working in my new job, I have come across some of the strangest names! The best ones being:- Innocent Jam (a woman)- Chuck Fruit (do you think his parents were having a laugh?)- Jaco van Zyl (I...
Why do you squint when you eat something sour? My right eye always closes and I can't stop it from doing this, I am just sat here eating sour Haribos and I was just wondering why!!!! x x
I am trying to lose some weight and am tyring that 2 bowles of crunchy nut and a main meal, i am filling up with fruit in between and am eating quite a lot, could i eat too much or not?
Just wondering if there are lots of ABers all living near each other and not knowing it. So just roughly, where do you live? I live just outside St Albans, Hertfordshire
I have recently purchase an o2 mobile phone 3 months ago i payed the insurance for 1 month then i cancelled. I am a heavy user of the phone and run up quite huge bills. The thing is out of the blue my...
Seeing as how most people find it hilarious when someone has a silly accident i decided to tell you all what just happened to me. I was taking the washing out of the machine and had gotten hold of my...
Very personal and probably rude question but how old is everyone on here? Just interested to know the average age of the ABer! I'm 29. Oh yeah, and any nice single men around? No...
Are they related to photographs or actual memories? Do you think you remember things AFTER you learnt to talk? (ie do you think it's possible to remember things if you haven't yet developed a language...
Hello Guys, thanks for your words of wisdom about this situation. I have tried and failed to hold this situation together. I love this man with everything that I have got but it is not enough to keep...
i saw this on the front page of a magazine and i thought it is an interesting question. anyway!!, and this is prob a bit vain, but do you prefer skinny or curvy gals, this isn't been immature or...
I am overweight( according to my doctor) and have a beer belly, although not caused by beer but lots of the wrong food. However i am not bothered, i love the way i am and am happy that i am a...
I am a 37 year old man with a fianc? of 29 and 2 lovely kids, a boy of 7 and a baby girl of 5 months.I love my family more than anything in the world and am able to provide quite well for them.My...
I think i have a virus on my pc but cannot identify it. it all started when my pc started running slow then i found i couldn't open my task manager, it just pops up then disappears, so i thought i'd...