Answers are types of buildings.
11. Fancy mix end mix
29. Slow down mixed penultimate.
I guess there are probably anagrams involved, but I just can't see them.
Dear AnswerBank Good Morning to you all. Please note any further problems here please, we will compile them for the techies and have them work through them today. Spare Ed to get you started: We need...
88) musically who were 'calling occupants of interplanetary craft' in 1977? (3,10) I would say The Carpenters So what is 82)What is a Wood artificer? (9) Thank you
Could anyone help with this brainteaser please? My son is really stuck. and I am totally useless at this sort of thing 7 bin pets were boarding at the local Pet Lodge. Each bin pet was in a separate...
I'm stuck on the last two - can anyone please help? The answers are all parts of the body. 11. You should be reprimanded for this 27. It means agreement Many thanks - in anticipation Denquiz
Having a spot of bother with these. Can anyone help me, please? 1 P a R at S; 2 US for C; 3 R on the SOAWR; 8 Bin B; 9 S on a FPP; 11 OWBBH; 15 L in the LD; 16 T by TEF; 17 OF on a D; 21 EP in a G of...
Stumped with a few of these. Any clues would be much appreciated. 20. Follow this to fasten a screw? 31. Just boil those leaves? 34. Really under development? 44. Two all in the afternoon? 65. Mix...
Does anyone know whether there is a mistake on No. 18 Capital sin? I want to put London Pride, but it says (5,5). Should it be (6,5), or am I on the wrong track? BJ
Can anyone give me a clue for this music video question: Name the mermaid with Robbie Williams in the music video. I have googled myself silly over this one, and can find nothing at all. BJ
I am selling this quiz on behalf of Lincolnshire Autism Awareness, who are a small group trying to raise funds to hold an Autism Awareness Rally in August. It is a 50 question Music Trivia quiz, with...
Finding this one quite a struggle, and would appreciate clues for the following; 13. Which high flier got caught on March 10th? 16. Who had a peaceful Dutch sleepover. 49. When the third light became...