I noticed you said you had found a pattern to some of the Oddbods songs from musicals. Without giving away any answers (wouldn't like to upset bthbn) Can you hint at the pattern. Thanks as always.
Were any of you ABers lucky enough to be winners amongst the vast amount that got a full score, silly me got one wrong but for me that was very good. I wont be sending in the music one as I cannot do...
Can anyone help me with these few? 63. Leader of the pack? 70. Confused lecturer in "Seychelles" 73. Run, run you can't catch this man! 76. Quads, no girls 80. The barcode one I have found this quiz...
49. T P P (the first P is the colour) I gather that this is not the obvious one, but have looked long and hard for an alternative, and can't get it. Can someone put me out of my misery, please? BJ
Can anyone help with this please?" Gordon taken short?" I just can`t work out a part of the body for this one. Also " a dish for small helpings". Many thanks!
THE SURPRISE RACETRACKS OPENED is an anagram of which composer and the name in English, excluding an apostrophe, of the only piece of music for which he is really remembered these days?
Been trying to figure these last three questions out for the past week, would really appreciate some help.. Answers are all creatures of some sort. 4. Pester (6) begins with B 11. A mount for a...
No. 24. To search for something in a place or container. Puzzled over this one long and hard, and just can't get it. Can't believe it's something as obvious as ferret. BJ
Not seen any posts for this - is everyone very clever then? I've only managed to do 35 in about 10 days with ideas for another 10 but no groups come to mind. I must be the only one who finds this...
In our house, my nail scissors are always going missing from my make up bag, not always replaced until reminded about! My magnifying mirror is also used. How about you?
My family is going through a really bad time at the moment and I've just found out something really serious. I want to talk to someone for advice but who can I talk to that will keep it a total...
I haven't been to a wedding before so don't really know what the day entails which is why I want to ask peoples opinion on this situation. I have been invited to a wedding at which my boyfriend is the...
Got the Rhodes Minnis Pairs quiz back this morning. Did anyone else do as spectacularly badly as me? 38 out of 60. I don't think I've ever done so badly in a quiz before. Feel like jumping off the...
Fellow Lincolnshire ABERS. I am in the Lincolnshire Wolds. Still raining today. Re: Articles of clothing Big Jenny I had originally thought suspenders for mens hang ups but it was too many letters,...