following on from school crushes, who is your number 1 celeb crush at the moment? everyone has someone they think phwoar when they see them in a magazine or on the telly or film, so who is it?
I have to take my rabbit to the vets today at 5:00pm. I think she may have maggots in her bottom.. I'm not sure because I haven't actually seen any but she has alot of poo there because it sticks in...
I watched a film years back about a man who was killing children. He was an ice-cream man and he used to get the children into his van and then cut their hands off because he wanted his daughter to...
I met my partner on the internet, and in a couple of weeks, it'll be 3 years since our first email. We always celebrate it as our aniversary, but I really fancy doing something a bit special this...
I know this can be used on the genital area, but can it be used as a lubricant (like KY jelly)? There is nothing in the tub which warns against it but just wanted to make sure :)
Does anyone have any genuinely good tips for frizzy hair? I use toni and guy moisture injection twist and twirl curl balm, which is fairly good, but I have never been able to totally get rid of that...
In the ad for the Observer Music monthly, they show a cartoon representation of one act for each letter of the alphabet...Abba, Beatles, Christina Aguillera, Darkness, etc.... Which band are "F"?...
I have to admit that as a child I neva really read comic books but have always loved Super hero's. I have seen most of the movies and have loved all of them (was a bit let down by Dare Devil). Any way...
I started watching this film on ITV last night, but fell asleep half an hour before the end. However, the film was so unbelieveably terrible, I honestly couldn't care less whether the "man animals"...
As a young boy with 2 brothers we used to love watching and playing the A-Team.(I'm now 24). I have had many disscusions with the 2 of them about who we would put in the Movie if they were to...
my fears are sharks from watching jaws as a child and birds/feathers which i have no idea where or when this fear came about. Got me thinking what do other ABers fear and how did they come about. My...
a long shot: around 1989, i saw the end of a kid's tv programme where the presenter was talking about human poo. He was crouched down by a river and i was dumbstruck when he showed a...
A girl who works with my boyfriend sent him a text message at 2:30 in the morning, on a friday, asking what her hours were the next day! I found this a bit strange and questioned her feelings towards...