Can you help please. My first is HAMLET with a fountain pen next to it. Number two is a water pump with relatives next to it. Thanks to all those who have helped in the past. bigmac...
Can anyone help please. My first one is, Fox teRrIer, alSATian, dachShUnd, it looks like FRI, SAT, Sun mixed in with the dog breeds. Number two is, MENAGERIEand. I would appreciate any help, bigmac...
Can you help please. My first is a picture of a Dragon with TSETSE next to it, number 2 is PACIFIC with the A below. number 3 is SHUN written with GOOD in the middle. Any help would be appreciated...
My first is P with a Nut like the ones you get with a bolt and RAM next to them, number 2 is a Electrical cable with AUTO next to it. my last one is a Pea in a pod with rooster next to it. Can you...