Frustrated for too long now with the last two and would appreciate help: 26a. Passage written on The End of the Affair (5). I have E?E?T 16d. On top of the shelf, Twilight's left with a Nobel winner's...
I'd like to kick this crossword into touch but this last clue has been holding me up for quite a while. 9a. Note Priest going about in the morning (1-2-2). I have E?A?I...
1d. Mason's supposed to do this. Spade might help (6). d?t??t. So, detect. I get the wordplay on (Sam) Spade and (I assume) Perry Mason. I don't get "supposed to". Am I missing some other allusion?...
Stuck on the last one. 28a Violent gang leader cross with man that's lost head. I have A?E?. I can't get APEX out of my mine (Monkey Wrench Gang allusion + X ) but probably overthought and way off...
I'd appreciate help, having been frustratingly stuck all morning on the last two. 2d What criminals like Parker do first in the East on occasion (6). I have H?I?T? So heists (Stark's Parker). But how...
Two last ones please you expert folks: 8d. This comic drama's Romeo makes bubbly rosé and amontillado (9). I have T?N?D?L?A. Presumably TONADILLA but how to parse it? 24a. Hot and uninhibited folk, a...
Solutions to last two please. I'm fairly sure about the letters I have but have learned not to be over-confident. 22a One who could have played in Carnival of the Animals, with zoo represented about...
Two that I assume correct but not confident because can't parse. 5d One's novel's a triumph (7) SUCCESS. I have S?C?E?S 24a. Existence enthralls Singer's magicians (10) ENCHANTERS. I have E?C?A?T?R?...
Romped through this but fell at the very last fence as is my wont. Humorous satirist's mockingly contemptuous, I'm told (4). I have SN?I. I have some ideas but none satisfactory. Any help?
Last one (as ever). Story of a failed marraige had losers in a state (9). Unless I've made a mistake it's: R?S?H?L?E. Riseholme fits the pattern but not the clue surely? Help appreciated (as ever!)
Last one. 25a Mate in bed? That's crude and not allowed (3). P ? L. Mate is pal but how does the rest of the clue work? What obvious thing am I missing?
Last one, as so often (am I alone and in that?). 22d Blood group picked up as possible error in Dracula (4) ?Y?O. Is this the typo in the film (close-up of Renfield's card which shows Reinfeild) or...
I have just one left on which I've given up after a sleepless night and unsuccessful Googles. 20d The pair that's seen in a humble dwelling in a Walter Scott novel (6). I have ?O?H?E
I'm stuck on my last one. 2d One who portrayed Hyperion primarily in earlier times, with nothing to give up (9). Unless I've made a mistake it's H?L?E?U?N....
Last one been bugging me all morning. 4d. Place seen on the up by Earl Buchanan's alma mater (4). Y?L? so couldn't be anything but YALE as alma mater, but why?...
Either I'm completely mistaken or solvers are somewhat short-changed parsing-wise in the following two clues. Am I on the wrong tack? 5d. Young lady in a seaside resort in Spain? Just the reverse (5)....
Given name of secret historian, a name to agree about (5). I am pretty confident about what I have, namely A?N?A. Annya parses satisfactorily but I have been unable to find any connection with Samuel...