Also 51D name for a sculpture, painting or drawing of the dead Christ supported by the Virgin Mary (9 letters) Don't have any letters i'm afraid to help!
What is the name of a type of photographic paper used to reproduce black + white images (9 letters) Have B?????? think 2nd word is paper Any help much appreciated. Thanx in advance
Oops Still haven't got 1a member of a North American indian people living in southwestern US + n Mexico (6 letters) Have ?P?C?E Help anyone? Last to finish
2d Hip-length waterproof coat with hood A?L?A (5 letters) 3d Aquatic South american rodent with rat-like tail A?W?U (5 letters) 4D archaic or poetic name for Ireland. Have O?V? (4 letters) 5d Is the...
Answers to the 32500 in Travel Vouchers & Cash page 38 Su-doku puzzle. Have no# 2 + 6 but not sure if right
and to the ?500 Code Breaker (page 40)
Thanks in advance for any help
1a Yellow flowered ranunculaceous plant (9 letters) ?U??E?C?? 5D Fictitious plot to murder Charles II of 1678 (6,4) thought it was the Rye House Plot but this doesn't fit in with my letters of ??P?S...
Page 40 ?2500 in Travel Vouchers& Cash Last one to finish this week's issue (5)! Anybody got the answer to page 40's Su-Doku puzzle Think 8 is definitely ONE of the three no.s but just cannot work out...
Ooops 2 more to finish... 10a figure of speech that combines 2 normally contradictory terms (8) Hve O?I??R?N and lastly small, fleshy finger-like flap of tissue hanging in back of throat (5) U?U?A
Was merrily using the Answerbank website with no problems but suddenly found the pages won't move on!?! Any help thanx in advance + much appreciated... 9d Breed of toy dog of spitz type with long...
Oops! Forgot to fill in 12a (Of animals + plants) existing in a wild state (5 letters) Have FERA? is it feral? 26d in Japanese cookery the name of large noodles made from wheat flour U??N (4 LETTERS)...
18A Moved suddenly as if from fear (5 letters) Have S?I?D 23a Usual methods of procedure (8 letters) Have ??U?I?E? 33a Treeless, grassy plain of central US + s.Canada (7 letters) Have P?A??I? is it...
4 I'm completely STUMPED on! 19a Companion or ally (7 letters) Have I?E?N?? 24a Type of leather (5 letters) I?O?E 25A Weather conditions (7 letters) think 1st letter is an 'I' I?I?A?S Finally 26A List...
5d enchanteresss in Greek mythology who detained Orysseus on her island C?R?E 5 letters Also 6d 'If God did not exist, it necessary to invent him' 5,2 letters is this 'would be'?? -fits! 21D Person...