1a Manual surfaces, covering small parts for service (6) P _ A _ _ _ 3d Month with foreigner in centre for traditional dance (7) _ _ T _ O _ E [not too sure of all the letters given above!] Thanks in...
1down - a useful person to study diplomacy (7) 2 down - work so others may play (7) 4 down - sort of servant expected to provide refreshment (7) 5 down - be put back in bed, having gone into decline...
Last three 20d Lesson to be learnt about temperature being deadly(6) ???T?L 21a Concerning condition of course in progress(7) ????I?G 22d Show amusement about a bit of corn(5) ??A?N Thanx in advance...
On the mersey ferry this morning enjoying the brilliant sunshine when all of a sudden it hit me, right on the left shoulder, what a bloody mess. A lady cried out do you want some paper luv, no thank...
I'd like to know other viewers opinions of the last episode of The Returned, as I felt that it was a real disappointment - I thought that something really creepy might happen, the episodes leading up...
3d) old horse detaining you in France (6) 16d) It will strain commander to alight with Queen (8) 19d) One talks of overthrow of ruler etc. 22d) In experiment, A levels may be worked out in the mind...
For years now. He has sent to my husband and there sister a order of protection for them to sign as respondents. We think he intends to sell mothers house and move. She isn't in fulltime care yet but...
A little please, could all animal lovers put something out for them please, even if you think you have not got any, it has been so dry that mums are now abanding there young as there is no food, no...
I don't want to pay lots of money for a facial as I am convinced it can be done at home with what I have to hand. I have a family wedding soon and need a lift. ( not a face lift!) Any tips please?
Hi I've been listening to Maroon 5s album, 'Songs about Jane' and I absolutely love it. I've never listened to their other CDs so I'm wondering, can anyone recommend one for me that is as good? If...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2350581/Why-did-NHS-pay-womans-36DD-breasts-refuse-pay-operation-boy-walk.html How can larger breasts be considered necessary for health reasons, yet being...
Like most electronics, US prices are cheaper than UK. If I purchased an ipod mini in NY and brought it back home, would there be any issues on set up and use here which would restrict its use? I know...
After having a perm several months ago and hair becoming a bit brittle I tried the above make and it's fantastic. It's in a pink bottle and has hair repair with liquid keratin on it and it's for dry...