1.singers island taxi going to central valley. 10, 7 surname begins with b or c 2. british actress is pirate station fives uncle 8,7 surname begins with p or q may last two and completely stumped...
famous dogs fact or fiction,breeds or species 17. gloomy shadow on american roads (9) 18. chutneys,maybe,but he found rimet's cup! (7) 12. 1st orbit in sputnik,sounds as tho'you're a fond of her (5)...
Help required please for this clue-
9a one of the 12 minor prophets in the Old Testament, 4 letter word A?O?
would appreciate any suggestions, please
Thank you...
Can anyone give me the following proverbs? The numbers following sre the number of words in answer. Worrying when it can't be put right (4) Don't fuss, leave it alone, it will get there in its own...
Any help appreciated with the following clues please. 28A: Bond is a lot involved to find this hard evidence ?????S?A?N (10) 25A/23D: Is this how footballers might avenge an injury ?????E A ?C?R?...