our wee baby is putting her fingers in her mouth and crying more than usual ,,just wondering if she could be teething,,and what should i buy today to ease her pain,,seeing midwife tomorrow so will ask...
Islam encourages righteousness and opposes evil. It supports traditional family values and stands against promiscuity and immorality. We need something to fill the spiritual and moral void here, so I...
Told my venezuelan friend that i had a hangover. He gave me some gaspatcho and said it will make you feel better in only 5 minutes. tick tock tick tock 15 minutes later why do i feel like i want to...
This boiler is several years old, but while it's worked fine until today and I've checked the fuse and topped up the water, it's just... dead! I get no hot water and the clock no longer goes round....
Waterboatman reporting for duty after a lovely week of doing not a lot, eating too much good food and enjoying good company. The sun is shining here in Gloucestershire and it looks like it could hang...
My wife recently went away for a long weekend with a crowd of other ''Girls'' and rather than taking the digital camera which she cant seem to master she went to Tesco's and bought 2 of the Kodak...
Just wondered if it's Zappy or AB site that's playing up. I've just signed in as my other name on explorer and that seems to be moving a bit faster. Anyone else having problems? Cheers