Answers are birds or fish all help appreciated
4 cartoon sailor the old you lost(4)
17, fours man (8)
25.gaoler not new (6)
39.half a pair of flares(4)
50,quick responder(7)...
53) Sounds as if this bloke is digging (3,6) 54) Double instruction starts seasonal rhyme (8,8) 55) Shooter gets fine particles on land for anti Parliament plan (9,4) 60) Montbretia sees Miss Chanel...
Proverbs with vowels missing
Rhyming quiz
19a an alphabet (8)
19b Heavenly (8)
6b. Art of weaponless self defence (3.5) to rhyme with I do...
Help please . 2/ Leapt to her death from a prison wall. (5) 2b) Genus of parasitic flies (10) 3/ Specified small church gets cover ( 6) 3a) Meeting the requirements ( 2,2,7) 4/ Stuff. In Flushing or...
5. This sounds like two mail names joined
9. ? Walker
12 ? Crest, got gold crest for no 11
27 Short Shift
Any help gratefully appreciated number of letters not given...
Phrases/sayings with vowels removed.
Really stuck with 4 questions so would appreciate any help please.
Had this quiz for three months and struggling. All answers or questions have an animal in them. Sorry I have quite a few. No.3 Small blue flowering plant No.13 In golf a score of 6 or 7 is called (any...
A section on the quiz titled "You're missing the point" [sometimes headings are misleading] What should replace the ? in the following. 39, 46, 41, 40, 5, 9, 6, 30, ?, 1. Thanks for any help or...
One to get in this quiz , 13/ Went on road trips( . Asbestos action quiz ( closes 31st March ) World capitals 1/ Had nothing . 2/ 2,4,8, 16, 6/ I am sure about this 9/ One shelter. 11/ Exocoetidae Bay...
1. Not white. Prefix meaning greater, better than. Sun does this to your eyes.
2. Singular type of sauce. Room
3. Total. Region of France. Top. Leafy green area...
Any help grateful there is no number letter count Flowers Wild & Cultivated 9. Sounds like you harm Bob 23. ? Blue ? Green Birds 1. Small equine bird 10. Shake, Quiver 16. ? Rose following 2 cnd...
Local Quiz
Last 4 !
4. The P…. Of W…. On a B…..
39. M….. L…… A……. Of F….
43. B……… B.. R…. - W… B……. To B……
96. The R..I…. Of S…. N…
Many thanks for all your help. Very much appreciated...
Could anyone help me with these? The answer will start with ABC or D 20 Young man loses his first bloom (5) 36 Sailing on a ship and given the right to go there (7) 94 Attempting to get to the heart...
Fill in the blanks(answer usually relates to the question number 4. The P…. of W…. on a B…… 10. H……. of D…… on T.. M… S…. 22.C…… of an A….. P….. 26. 2 L… on a B…. 33. 3 P…. to an I…… B… 44. D….. D……...
4. In which of this year's movies did an erstwhile Oscar-winning Gladiator play a Greek God? 5. In which movie, shot in Ireland, did an Artful Dodger kiss a Eurovision winner? 27. If it wasn't Jimmy...
I am really stuck on the last few questions - all islands in Britain. Impart positively, no hoax - 6,6 Latitude: 55 degrees 34' 24.64N - 5 Heartier - 9,6 Is this the perfect place for grey haired...