I am finding this crossword very difficult. 10a grain dealer concerned with salt water right after flask breaks(9) I have it beginning with B and have no other letters. 6a in highlands whistle one...
Stuck on 2i.e. 6Down (6) O'Flaherty's suffered in association with the risks of satire M?R?Y? and 8 down (5) Indians once consumed English voyager - any help will be most appreciated
This is mind boggling - have got as far as I can and am stuck on the following for which I can get no more letters viz 2 down (6) dark company L?t??E; 7 down (8) 24 hours abandoned by Ross ?E?E???K;...
Anyone got any idea of their wrong answer or is it a mistake that no-one has 100% correct entry for this crossword on the Times Crossword Club website?
I am foxed by the last one ie 4 down (4) Hamburger left them in the air R?O?S - with air in mind think it must be either rooks or roofs but cannot parse for either - can anyone help me please?
Last two and I have really enjoyed this one. Some recherche themes. 7d 3-4 Some comment on an eye a Rubens must have had to find Henri poem O-I/-E-R 19d American poet believed in alchemy as late as...
Ground to a halt in the bottom lefthand corner - 23Ac (9) Thomas recalled it ????S???P; 14D (10) leading actor associated with king snake in Gibbons ?T?R???D?R; 19D (6) Whitman's spear grass found...
Have ground to a halt - stuck on 2 with no further letters obtainablle viz 5Ac (7) Helps at hand to provide this name for Maremma C?S?M?R - thought Cosimir but cannot get the wordplay and 11Ac (5)...
23d two characters in one another's embrace so cosy --just tops (4) ?e?c. 21d. Ability to retain parisian's missus holding her in upset(5) m?e?e. thanks
I now have 16Ac as Snow and 17D as Waste Lands - I have hit a snag - 20 Ac (10) Jameson eponyms like readers of the Evening Transcript observed by 17's author now works out as ?O?T?N?A?S - I...