Blaze quencher (4,7)
I'm thinking Fire Fighter but that's two words??
Type of tomato (5,5) anything from Green Grape, Money Maker (again two words) Super Sweet (but that ends with 100)...
Hello I've asked this one before a few weeks ago and still can't fathom it!! The answer is a 2 word film title and the clue is: 'I've only got 1 left and it's all intermingled' Any help would be...
Hello again Just got the three left which are film titles: Sounds Like 'Plain Bear' (2 words) - someone kindly gave me Jane Eyre? Mega religious fella (3 words) I've only got 1 left and it's all...
Hello Can anyone shed any light on the following which are film titles: Everybody off the bus! (2 words) Mega religious fella (2) Several eastern regal men (2) Did you see the Orient Express? (1)...
Hey! Could anyone please solve the following three word connection please: Speech, Head, Blow (6) The answer is a six letter word that either precedes or comes after the 3 above. I'm guessing it could...