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But i haved been seduced by the dark side, namely the lovely ladies of CS, Please forgive me.
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I'd like to say a very quick thank you and goodbye to all in AB & CB who know me and have been a friend to me in the past 8 months since I joined here. I am going off line for a while till I sort...
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I've got my stocking up in anticipation for all me prezzies! Well actually, it's a surgical stocking, but it suits the purpose! Have a great time all xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Ed there is rumours that Chatterbank is coming back today. Can you confirm if this is a hoax.
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I really want to get my tregus (incorrect spelling I think) pierced, but one of my friends did, and it grew a little sort of cyst on it which hasn't gone. How likely is this to happen? Also, could...
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dont know where to post this but here goes!! happy xmas everyone..I have been a bit busy this week so have not had time to come on here much...Its a case of us poor women doing all the odd jobs and...
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Does anybody remember these cigars???.I used to smoke them when i was 5 or 6....well i used to have a drag on one curtesy of my dad every new years eve around 5 to midnight when we used to go for a...
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can i ask what is the best series of sex and the city? i want to start buying the boxsets and a) is it worth it and b) which series's are the best? thanks
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Just got shot down again by a girl in the office I thought I had a chance with. Never gets easier does it? And who the hell decided to put James Blunt's 'Beautiful' on the radio straight after? Anyone...
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post a wee link to abs site please??? i cant get in there or are you all piled up behind the door determined to keep me out ???
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Gill 05
I got an e mail from ab ed to tell me threads I had posted here have been moved to cb. I can actually go in to cb now and post on the threads, but you can't start a new one. But why move them there...
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I'm mister lonelyyyyyyyyy.....ahem Sorry, i could just do with an adult hug :O)
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What percentage, roughly of AB users, solely used CB? I just think you could be doing away with a large percentage of your users.
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As Gill posted the last questions that remains in CB, shouldn't she get some kind of prize? Any suggestions - fellow excbers?
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Dearest CBers, I haven't looked back at the posts before now on CB because I thought we'd all move on - It's only a website after all - Just looking back now and laughing at posts I'd missed in the...
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So do you think we can agree that as an experiment in social intergration, our joining Cerescape was a bit of a failure? PMSL I was there 5 minutes the other day and nearly managed to cause an...
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I have decided to take a break form ab and msn. I talk more to you guys than my own friends, so I think I should try out the real world and do............erm..........something for the next week....
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These are some of their rules!!!!! Hello! Welcome to Cerescape. It seems a group of people from another site have found us, welcome. Please try and stick to a few simple rules when posting here to...
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<A target='_blank' href=&quot;;>http://abscb.</A> Set up by Absinth and frequented by normal sane(ish) folk.Look for the normal...
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now CB's closed....all the regulars want to stay instead of abusing any other topic or clogging up suggestions....why don't we all post in this thread today, then tomorrow we'll start...

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