21d make prisoner return small dog collar (4,2) 2d source of material for soap old crook admitting fathers married (3,4) 20d old vehicle diagram includes one form of wheel (4,2) 5d crack joke during...
22a nice new walls round part of school influenced by ancient architecture (10) 1d fresh denial almost turned bore on (9) 12a assistant runs into women but not happily (6,3) 19a slip that could be...
11a he had responsibility for rising debt ultimately leading to bank needing backing 5 t-l-r
27a showing power a dancers amazing glide through the air 9 --r-s-e--...
1a rake a kentish worker left near plot of ground 3,6
21a socialist leader inspires eastern sri lankan 9
15d after a lead is mislaid dog secured by rope thats sensible 8...