1d.send up money to take care of staff(6)???o?y 4d.predate decent changes in a&e(8)?n?e?e?e 14a.i'm held back restricted by eye problems (blocks to progress)(7)?t?m?w? 17d.expert's limited...
10d.spanish cry in ecstasy for freedom from bigotry(9)T?l?????e 14a.insect-infested vehicle?(5)?u??y 15d.having a learner as well(6)???h?l 16a.nothing nurse prepared is for mental illness(8)n???????...
3d.outrageous writing not open by soldiers(7)e???e??
8a.composer in radio station,s roster(5)l?s??
13a.not at home,not entirely knowing to come round?(6)a?a???
that is all and thank you very much...
3d.outrageous writing not opened by soldiers(7)e???e?? 4d.all but ran into moving water,an absolute torrent(6)t?r?d? 5d.dance footwear?quite the reverse-garden equipment(4,4)h?s?r?e? 6d.made subtly...
10a. ....where padre has tea without milk and sugar?(8)c?a?l??? 11a.laura endlessly floundering in the river(4)?r?l 17a.half a dozen look back at old instrument(4)v?o? 18a.applaud another part of the...
1d.unusual degree-it might be for dancing(5)r???? 2d.do not agree with(8)c?????c? 9d.it's very different when eastern europeans are split up(5,5)p???s????? 16d.seize contents of a nest(6)???t?? 19d.is...
1d.cuts with immediate effect(4,4)?h???h?p 3d.agreeing with this month's record(2,4)?n?t?p 5d.starting to emit fumes?it's a time observed by drivers(8,2)?i?h?i?gup 10a.friend accepting welcome...
19a.song about rotter in ancient greece(7)a?a???? 22a,flag because of a heavy cold(8)???i???? 25.arain hard in a storm on disreputable old hag(8)???e???? 17d.give notice of danger to engineers going...
2d.a sign of decreasing significance(5)m?n?s 10d.get out of the way when the rack is empty(5,5)?t?n?????? 12d.skin tunrns red to sum degree(5)d?r?? 15d.put on as expected(7)a???m?d 16d.demon wind...
2d.journalist showing connection between soldiers and beer(8)?e???t?r 3d.get active round good plot for vegetable(8)?g???a?t 4d.unappetising food,say,with spots,served up(6)?t???e 6d.isolated lodge...
2d.one can't rember having this(7)a?n??? 3d.do not play fair in many a preliminary contest(5)c?e?? 6d.wizard place,one with bracing air(5)o???? 7d.enjoy being given things?(4,8)t?????e???r?...
12d.periodical gathering of dairy producers perhaps(5,2)r?????? 16a.fungous chocolate?(7)t?????? 20a.secretly where one goes when drunk(5,3,5)u?????????b??/me i cant mind 22a.joint chairleaders(3)h??...
8a.was taken aback and came home ahead of the field(4,3,6,)??t?t?e?i?n?r 1d.damage caused by graduate,revolutionary leader(3)m?? 9d.you could say it is a lie(4,5)h???????? 11a.fat about to turn in the...
1a.cloud of reconstituted materials(5,4)??????a?? 8a.was taken aback and come home ahead of the field(4,3,6)??????e?????? 5d.one taken in by fat landowner (5)????d 6d.express sympathy with large...