12A ????? fever,viral illness first identified in Nigeria in 1969 Dengi ? 26a Squirrel in a series of british road safety films T???? 8d Tororontarian ? 29a member of the United States Army special...
14d earlier,cultivated region was shrouded in mist F?r?g?i?g Foregoing ? 21d Selection of fancy nicknames for old philosopher C?n?? 27a Research assistant secures support for body ????s?s 22a Boy's...
4d TOWER ? 8d English politician left in note for place of worship ?e?p?e 11a Ire ? 12d Switzerland supporting old German's gut feeling H?n?h 15d brown mist on lake H???l 17a South Africa 11 made up...
7D Vaughan Williams ? 20d Learn ? 23a Origami ? 1d Freezing conditions initially stop La Liga sadly G?????l 9a Propeller needing special people to control it ??r???? 10a Drop version of EU blog about...
12A ecology ?
18a Polka ?
22a Dig ?
10a A sort of illusion confusing Capitol ????c??
8dFirst born held estate implicitly ??????
29a Air pilots in Hollywood auditions ?????? ?????
2d Machine ?e?d?b?e
14d Cold water ?
20d large German one tours 8 for prolonged rest Lie in ?
18d Speaker's located saw S?g?t?d
15d Cut up manuscript for tests Exams ?