12a Ordinary racing ground developed naturally O?g???? Organic ? 13a A Parisian man stocks top-class ointment U???e?? 15a this US resort like writer ??p?n 17a Surely a hooligan can overwhelm this...
11D Kiwi ?
2d Tunic ?
25a Top missing from Ladies sign ???n
27d Sluggish old song about Zulu ?a?y
24d I deal ?
26d Consume my sandwiches packed with beef ??a?y
23a Certain trendy musical with odd features of ballet I?????a?l?
1a Feline animal ,say,or unknown type C???g?r?
5a Venture firm corners South Africa ?a?a?d
Demure Tracey tries out occupant of No 10 ??i?e ???????r 7d Joint problem ? It is pursuing non -U king ??t?r???? 19a Let those tiles get ruined ?These will never do S???e ?T?????? 21d Completely...
6A How is the answer North north west ?
2d Grub ?
10a Call for one in Mail say ,with bottle ??????l?
4d Bird could be surprising ,given time ?t??????
4d Abstain from nearly all cheese grated by women E?c?e? 5d Trim round container C?i? 16a Hospital hold record as its catch phrase ?l?g?n 22d Fast bowler on ? That brings extra benefit S?i? ??f 18d...
10D My tum seems in knots -this should protect me I????? ??s??? 21a Number 1 Across managed to produce stupor N??c???? 28a Bar in centre reveals rust ??r???? 29a Top officer's wasted off- site cutting...
9D Brilliant dazzling,sparkling S?????l?a?i?g
11a What the declarer has to win to make their 4 down ??????
19a Transitional period P?a?e
4d What a declarer bids to make in 20down ?o?????t
15a L' O?u?r? a novel by Emile Zola known in English as The Work. 42a In geology,bodies of intrusive rock crystallised from slowly cooling magma below the earth's surface ?l?t?n? 43a Angle 37d...
2d Winner of the best foreign language oscar in 2013 A?o?r 17a One of the four humours in ancient Greek medicine along with its black equivalent blood and phlegm Y?l?o? B?l? 26a Device that generates...