23a Illegally transfer land union owed to monarch L?u???? 26a Sred and destroy majority of reputation ?e?? ?? 5d Attempt to arrest drunken rioter in land T?r?i?o?t 14d Route maps resolved whodunit...
11A He daren't upset party supporter ?d?e?e?t 13a Sophisticated knot absorbs energy H? ??c? 17a Some poetry amuses Tnazanian to some extent ?t???a 19a Injured party's energy inspires one rector's...
18a Northern ?????u?? 1990s TV series about a NY doctor relocating to Alaska 27a Threadlike extension of a nerve cell that conducts nerve impulses ?x?n 7d Native american language also known as...
9A Brandy's good apparently -half of it's knocked back ?r?w?? 10a Reproduce engineers' article in Greek island ??c???t? 7d Darren's frustrated mission E???n? 5d Carl leaves Cumbrian city for isolated...
8d e.g. the dyke-builder held out at firm belief ??????? ?? ?????
19a Scrub allowed in river ?e???e
13a Look it's cheap,essentially tawdry art ??????
6a A UK tap dance? Yes-unusual just before start of lent ??????? ???????
1d Training period seemto ignore adult on arctic vessel ??????????????
ta merry chrimbo...