12A Modernism ?
16a System to regulate output ????o
19a Treated with scorn D?s?????d
21a In an insignificant way T?i?i?l?y
26a Deluged swamped I?u???t?d
20d Leading ??e???f
12a Latin word meaning 'In the same place ' ???d?? 13a Coniferous forests extending across sub arctic North America and Eurasia ????a 14a Holiday period during which parliament is not sitting R?c???...
11a In an abrupt manner ?h?r???
19a Exclusive ?e????
21a Even chance or choice ???? ??
24a Wildly excited or active ????????
16d Opposed A?????
18d Not perceived N?????
1a Oscar winning song from the Disney film Frozen ?e? ?? ?? 8a Peter Shaffer play revved in 2007 with Daniel Radcliffe ????? 13a The oldest known alphabet consisting of 22 letters all consonants...