Good morning, a felicitous offering from CheeseCracker this week. Help with the following to take me through to the theme would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance! 35a European industrial gear... ...
I've more or less finished the grid and the unclued shenanigans, but one clue is being stubborn. Posted a letter to former archbishop (7) I have ?E?TAM? ...
Good evening, I’m stuck on the following and would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance! 23a Albert has hatred for medieval estate (7) : ?L????? 33a Bravery not initially an ancient quality (7)... ...
Good day, an interesting Lavatch to take my mind of the tropical heat and wish that I were back in the South of France! Help with the following would be appreciated. Many thanks in... ...
Only a few clued lights left 6d variety of ivy from another state with aname cut short (6) AR???? 4d involved oneself endlessly in German trade fair (5) ME??? 33d old motto-english or not (5)... ...
Good morning. I deduced the theme pretty early on and have a full grid apart from 25A: "Cheers afternoon, taking in TV hospital show". I have searched Chambers (main dictionary and crossword... ...
Rather baffled by this one. help gratefully received clued: 23a Scrooge perhaps first on since November (7) i have ?g???s? Unclued 1d i have at?i? 24 a i have AM?MT 13D I have EM?I?O? 29, 29 36 is a number... ...
Good morning, the Spectator is no walk in the park this week with Mr Lavatch! But an fascinating quest for the right name for which I think I’ve got some interesting leads. Some clues are impeding my...
Having some trouble with the clued clues. making progress on the unclued ones but would appreciate some help: 43 A Sign implied by 'Ladies'? (4) ?M?? might this be AMBI? 41A Central heating -source...
Nearly complete, but I don’t really understand last part of the rubric ‘one solution finally and another first and last’, or why 19A should start with ‘M’ if we’re ‘Enzed’. Grateful for some light!...
Despite a slow start, thanks to an early identification of the unclued theme (clever title!) I’ve nearly finished this week’s Speccy bar a few clues which I’d like help to check/solve. Military unit...
Doc is back with another brain-wringing session. I’ve made quite good progress (even with a mild dose of Covid) but there’s one I think I’ve got and would like a second opinion on. Wandering having...
I’ve smashed it this week, all the Unclueds done fairly early, but I have a couple of things I need to check. First a clue I need to double-check - Bouncy cat set off, scratching a rook (6) I have...
Good afternoon, this week’s Spectator offering is far from being tender for me. Hints would be appreciated for the following, thank you. (Ten symmetrically placed un-clued lights can be entered given...
How is everyone getting on with this? I have just got one outstanding and would be grateful for help! It is 36A "Giant African termite beginning to alarm English setters". I have AN_A_U_....
Good day, I played my cards right with Doc’s offering for this week.
It was a gentle grid fill in record time, and without any requests for
help from the AB. I’m thrilled!...
Good evening, I am feeling proud and pleased with myself for having solved Doc's offering for this week without asking for help. It was really a smooth solve and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope to...