2d Kindness in Caen:b?e?v?i?l?n?e. 22a Nickname of the 17th. century cleric & alchemist Thomas Vaughan:?n?h?o?o?o?h?s - I've tried searching, but to no avail. 40a A tiny difference in pitch. 32d...
10a Make profession once that was painful after Virginia's rejection: a?n?c? 26a Retreating military detachment, 50 lost, subsequently hit back: r?t???a?e? 21d Bachelor with melodious instrument...
Nearly there! `13a The Last American Man features this Conway e?s?a?? (the only Conway I know is Russ!) 8d Shaw's low-budget Lothario: t?n??? 17d Generous artistic patron came adrift with moderate...
Stuck on last two. 18a Leonard's courageous woman: b?a?a 2dEvelyn Waugh's final character: l?s? - I'm tempted to pu Last, but that seems way too obvious!
Struggling with the top half 3d Too serious back in romantic retreat, topless: 0?????d?e?t. 10a Fleet Street shunned by celebrity married lady: a?m???. Also 14a Protest about Belgian town's sleepy...
All answers are pub names. Irate, master tools. Presumably the first word is "cross", but can't think of the rest. Disconnect, 14th. letter, limbs. Not a clue, although no doubt when I see the answer...
Stuck on last one,22a Heat "appalling" on the Mayor? "Despicable": h?t?w?r?h? -might it be hateworthy? Heat mixed up, and a mayor could be described as a worthy (although thinking about some I've...
Ground to a halt, need a kick to get started again! 12a L-like "cracking" Cameron, a bloody sap: ?l???a 17a Boris-style top-notch sexual activity?:?p???i?g - wondered about Spiffing?...
Stuck in bottom left-hand corner. 27a Speculator in time before robbery having load of gold: ??e?r??? 15d Seek to keep old U.S. city unspoiled: i?v?o?a?? - inviolate? 24d Upset at most awkward...
Down to last 3. 62a Bloody Hell, Boris finally gets in! (Independent Conservative Radical): ?r?s??? 37a Jagger, back of cab, in a *** state: ?i?n?a 59d Made to look an idiot, coming in ***, Eye...